Monday, August 19, 2024

Wingspan Online Daily Gameplay - August 19, 2024

My Score - Lost (96)

  • Bird Points - 48
  • Bonus Cards - 11
  • End of Round Goals - 9
  • Eggs - 1
  • Food on Cards - 9
  • Tucked Cards - 13
  • Nectar - 5

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Common Nightingale - for Wetland Data Analyst and food while drawing birds
  • Barred Owl - Woodlands bird
  • Griffon Vulture - Grasslands bird
  • Black-Throated Diver - for Wetland Data Analyst
  • Black-Tailed Godwit - for Wetland Data Analyst


  • Nectar - for Common Nightingale

Bonus Card: Wetland Data Analyst - Consecutive birds in Wetlands with ascending or descending wingspans

Round 1

  1. Play Bird - Common Nightingale in Wetlands (for Wetland Data Analyst and food while drawing birds)
  2. Draw Birds - Lesser Whitethroat and Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo (both from deck), Nectar from Common Nightingale's power
    1. Nectar from other player's Eastern Rosella
  3. Play Bird - Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo in Woodlands (for round end goal and to get far enough in Woodlands for 2 food)
  4. Gain Food - Fish and Worm from bird feeder (for Black-Throated Diver and Black-Tailed Godwit), Tucked Lesser Whitethroat for Nectar using Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo's power
  5. Play Bird - Griffon Vulture in Grasslands (for round end goal and to get far enough in Grasslands to lay 2 eggs)
  6. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs (in Hollow nest for round end goal)
  7. Play Bird - Barred Owl in Woodlands (for round end goal and to get far enough in Woodlands for 2 food)
  8. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs (in Hollow nest for round end goal)
Round End: Cached Rat on Griffon Vulture

Round End Goal - Eggs in Hollow Nest: 1 points (2nd w/ 3 eggs) 

Round 2

  1. Draw Birds - Mourning Dove and Ruff (both from tray for Wetland Data Analyst), Nectar from Common Nightingale's power
    1. Nectar from other player's Eastern Rosella (before turn)
  2. Play Bird - Mourning Dove in Wetlands (for Wetland Data Analyst and eggs while drawing birds)
  3. Play Bird - Ruff in Wetlands (for Wetland Data Analyst)
  4. Draw Birds - Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher and Grey-Headed Mannikin (both from deck), Egg on Mourning Dove, Nectar from Common Nightingale's power
  5. Play Bird - Black-Throated Diver in Wetlands (for Wetland Data Analyst, which I then realized I messed up because I needed to play the Black-Tailed Godwit first...)
  6.  Draw Birds - Red-Winged Parrot (from tray for more food), Gould's Finch (from deck), and Corsican Nuthatch (from deck), Australian Raven from Black-Throated Diver's power, Egg on Mourning Dove, Wheat from Common Nightingale's power
  7. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs (across habitats for round end goal)
Round End: Cached Rat on Griffon Vulture, Tucked Black-Tailed Godwit and Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher to draw Emu and Hooded Crow using Ruff's power

Round End Goal - Sets of Eggs in All Habitats: 1 point (3rd w/ 1 set)

Round 3

  1. Gain Food - Worm and Nectar from bird feeder (for Red-Winged Parrot), Barred Owl's power unsuccessful (White Stork), Tucked Hooded Crow for Nectar using Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo's power
  2. Play Bird - Red-Winged Parrot in Woodlands (for potentially more food or eggs)
  3. Gain Food - Worm and Nectar from bird feeder (for Australian Raven), Gave away Nectar for 2 Rats from bird feeder using Red-Winged Parrot's power, Barred Owl's power successful (Stellar's Jay). Skipped Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo's power
    1. Nectar from other player's Eastern Rosella
  4. Play Bird - Grey-Headed Mannikin in Grasslands (for game end power and round end goal)
  5.  Draw Birds - Sandhill Crane, Parrot Crossbill, and European Turtle Dove (all from deck), Northern Goshawk from Black-Throated Diver's power, Egg on Mourning Dove, Wheat from Common Nightingale's power
  6. Lay Eggs - 3 eggs (discarded Rat for 3rd egg, in Cluster nests for round end goal)
Round End: Cached Rat on Griffon Vulture, Tucked Emu, Northern Goshawk, and Sandhill Crane (meant to tuck Parrot Crossbill...again messed up my Wetland Data Analyst) to draw Canvasback, Australian Owlet-Nightjar, and Black Tern using Ruff's power

Round End Goal - Cluster Nest Bird w/ Egg4 points (tied for 1st w/ 3 birds)

Round 4

  1. Play Bird - Australian Owlet-Nightjar in Woodlands (for potential between turns food and to get far enough in Woodlands for 3 food)
    1. Worm from Australian Owlet-Nightjar's power
  2. Gain Food - Wheat and 2 Nectar from bird feeder (for Red-Winged Parrot), Barred Owl's power successful (Horned Lark), Gave away Nectar for 2 eggs using Red-Winged Parrot's power, Tucked Black Tern for Nectar using Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo's power
  3. Play Bird - Gould's Finch in Grasslands (for game end power)
  4. Play Bird - Corsican Nuthatch in Woodlands (Citizen Scientist - Birds with tucked cards), Rat from bird feeder)
    1. Nectar from other player's Eastern Rosella
  5. Gain Food - 2 Wheat, Rat, and Fish from bird feeder (for European Turtle Dove and Australian Raven), Barred Owl's power successful (Northern Bobwhite), Gave away Nectar for 2 eggs using Red-Winged Parrot's power, Skipped Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo's power
Round End: Cached Rat on Griffon Vulture, Tucked Parrot Crossbill and Canvasback to draw Eurasian Tree Sparrow and Black Woodpecker using Ruff's power

Round End Goal - Beak Pointing Left: 3 points (tied for 2nd w/ 4 birds)

Game End: Played European Turtle Dove (Rodentologist - Birds that eat Rats, Nectar) using Grey-Headed Mannikin's power, Played Australian Raven using Gould's Finch's power, Cached 5 food on Australian Raven


Woodlands - 5 points (1st w/ 6)
Grasslands - 3 points (3rd w/ 3)
Wetlands - 0 points (3rd w/ 4)

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