Thursday, August 8, 2024

Wingspan Online Daily Gameplay - August 8, 2024

My Score - 85 (Lost)

  • Bird Points - 47
  • Bonus Cards - 7
  • End of Round Goals - 10
  • Eggs - 6
  • Food on Cards - 0
  • Tucked Cards - 14
  • Nectar - 2

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Mute Swan - for tucks and more birds
  • White Wagtail - for Backyard Birder, round end power, and Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
  • Yellow-Billed Cuckoo - Woodlands bird and potential between turns eggs
  • Australasian Shoveler - for more birds


  • Nectar and Worm - for Yellow-Billed Cuckoo

Bonus Card: Backyard Birder - Birds

Round 1

  1. Gain Food - Nectar from bird feeder (for Yellow-Billed Cuckoo)
  2. Play Bird - Yellow-Billed Cuckoo in Woodlands (for potential between turn eggs and to get far enough in Woodlands for 2 food)
  3. Gain Food - Worm and Nectar (for White Wagtail)
  4. Play Bird - White Wagtail in Grasslands (for Backyard Birder, round end power and Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power)
  5. Gain Food - Nectar and Wheat (for Mute Swan)
  6. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs
  7. Gain Food - Rat and Nectar (for Mute Swan)
    1. Egg from Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
  8. Draw Birds - Brown Pelican (from deck)
Round End: Played Brown Pelican in Wetlands (Gained 3 Fish) using White Wagtail's power

Round End Goal - Beak Pointing Left: 2 points (tied for 1st w/ 2 birds) 

Round 2

  1. Draw Birds - Great Crested Flycatcher (from tray, for potential Worms) and Northern Bobwhite (from tray to tuck), Tucked Northern Bobwhite and drew Ferruginous Hawk (from tray) using Mute Swan's power
  2. Draw Birds - Cooper's Hawk (from tray, for Backyard Birder) and Common Goldeneye (from tray to tuck), Tucked Northern Bobwhite and drew Dickcissel (from deck) using Mute Swan's power
  3. Draw Birds - Kea (from tray, for another bonus card) and Australasian Pipit (from tray for Backyard Birder), Tucked Northern Bobwhite and drew Hooded Crow (from deck) using Mute Swan's power
  4. Play Bird - Cooper's Hawk in Woodlands (for Backyard Birder)
    1. Egg from Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
  5. Gain Food - Worm, Wheat, and Rat from bird feeder (discarded Brown Pelican for 3rd food, for Great Crested Flycatcher and Ferruginous Hawk), Cooper's Hawk's power successful (Eastern Whipbird tucked)
  6. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs
  7. Gain Food - Nectar and Rat from bird feeder (for Great Crested Flycatcher and Ferruginous Hawk), Cooper's Hawk's power successful (Welcome Swallow tucked)
Round End: Played Great-Crested Flycatcher in Woodlands using White Wagtail's power

Round End Goal - Birds in Woodlands 1 point (tied for 2nd w/ 3 birds)

Round 3

  1. Gain Food - 2 Nectar and Rat from bird feeder (discarded Hooded Crow for 3rd food, for Kea), No Worm for Great Crested Flycatcher's power Cooper's Hawk's power successful (Parrot Crossbill tucked)
  2. Play Bird - Kea in Woodlands (discarded Rat for 2nd bonus card, Kept Enclosure Builder - Birds that have Cluster nests, Discarded Site Selection Expert)
  3. Gain Food - 2 Worms and Wheat from bird feeder (for Australasian Shoveler and Australasian Pipit), Worm from bird feeder using Great Crested Flycatcher's power Cooper's Hawk's power unsuccessful (Eleonora's Falcon)
    1. Egg from other player's Princess Stephanie's Astrapia
  4. Play Bird - Australasian Shoveler in Wetlands (for Enclosure Builder and more birds)
    1. Egg from Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
  5. Draw Birds - Black Tern (from deck) and Red Wattlebird (from tray to tuck), American Woodcock from Australasian Shoveler's power, Tucked Red Wattlebird and Ferruginous Hawk drew Corsican Nuthatch (from tray, to maybe play for another bonus card) using Mute Swan's power
  6. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs (in cup nest for round end goal)
Round End: Played American Woodcock in Grasslands using White Wagtail's power

Round End Goal - Eggs in Cup Nest4 points (tied for 1st w/ 4 eggs)

Round 4

  1. Draw Birds - Red Tailed Hawk and Downy Woodpecker (both from deck), Western Meadowlawk from Australasian Shoveler's power, Tucked Downy Woodpecker to draw Painted Bunting (from tray) using Mute Swan's power
  2. Gain Food - Rat, Wheat, and 2 Nectar from bird feeder (discarded Black Tern for 4th food, for Western Meadowlark and Australasian Pipit), Worm from bird feeder using Great Crested Flycatcher's power Cooper's Hawk's power unsuccessful (Australian Ibis)
  3. Play Bird - Western Meadowlark in Grasslands (for Enclosure Builder and more eggs)
  4. Play Bird - Australasian Pipit in Grasslands (for Enclosure Builder and game end power)
    1. Egg from other player's Princess Stephanie's Astrapia
  5. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (discarded Corsican Nuthatch for 4th egg), 2 eggs from Western Meadowlark's power
Round End: Played ? in Grasslands using White Wagtail's power

Round End Goal - Birds Worth more than 4 points: 3 points (tied for 2nd w/ 5 birds)

Game End: Tucked 5 using Australasian Pipit's power


Woodlands - 2 points (2nd w/ 5)
Grasslands - 0 points (3rd w/ 3)
Wetlands - 0 points (3rd w/ 2)

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