Saturday, August 3, 2024

Wingspan Online Daily Gameplay - August 3, 2024

My Score - 92 (Lost)

  • Bird Points - 36
  • Bonus Cards - 13
  • End of Round Goals - 6
  • Eggs - 21
  • Food on Cards - 9
  • Tucked Cards - 2
  • Nectar - 5

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Gray Catbird - for Viticulturalist
  • Little Penguin - high points
  • Scaled Quail - for more eggs


  • Nectar, Berry, and Worm - for Gray Catbird

Bonus Card: Viticulturalist - Birds that eat Berries

Round 1

  1. Draw Birds - Mountain Bluebird (from tray, for Viticulturalist)
  2. Play Bird - Gray Catbird in Woodlands (for Viticulturalist and to get far enough in Woodlands for 2 food)
  3. Gain Food - Worm and Wheat from bird feeder (for Mountain Bluebird and Scaled Quail), No power to copy with Gray Catbird's power
  4. Gain Food - 2 Nectar from bird feeder (for Little Penguin), No power to copy with Gray Catbird's power
  5. Gain Food - Worm and Nectar from bird feeder (for Little Penguin), No power to copy with Gray Catbird's power
  6. Draw Birds - Kea (for Viticulturalist and another bonus card)
  7. Play Bird - Little Penguin in Wetlands (high points, to get far enough in Wetlands to draw 2)
  8. Draw Birds - Horned Lark (from deck) and Grey Butcherbird (from tray, for Gray Catbird to have a power to copy), Little Penguin's power successful (Fish cached)
Round End: none

Round End Goal -  Beak Pointing Left: 1 points (2nd w/ 1 bird) 

Round 2

  1. Gain Food - Fish and Rat from bird feeder (for Grey Butcherbird), No power to copy with Gray Catbird's power
  2. Draw Birds - Griffon Vulture Lark (from tray, No food cost for Grasslands) and Indigo Bunting (from tray, for Viticulturalist), Little Penguin's power unsuccessful
  3. Play Bird - Griffon Vulture in Grasslands (to get far enough in Grasslands to lay 2 eggs)
  4. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs
  5. Play Bird - Grey Butcherbird in Woodlands (for Gray Catbird to have power to copy)
  6. Gain Food - Fish and Nectar from bird feeder (for Indigo Bunting), Grey Butcherbird's power successful (House Wren tucked and Rat cached), Copied Grey Butcherbird's power using Gray Catbird's power (unsuccessful, Pied-Billed Grebe)
  7. Play Bird - Indigo Bunting in Grasslands (for Viticulturalist and potential food while laying eggs)
Round End: Cached 2 Rats on Griffon Vulture

Round End Goal - Hollow Nest Bird w/ Egg: 0 points (0 birds)

Round 3

  1. Gain Food - 3 Nectar from bird feeder (discarded Horned Lark for 3rd food, for Mountain Bluebird and Scaled Quail), Grey Butcherbird's power unsuccessful (Greater Roadrunner), Copied Grey Butcherbird's power using Gray Catbird's power (successful, Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher tucked and Rat cached)
    1. American Crow from other player's Pink-Eared Duck
  2. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs, No food available in bird feeder for Indigo Bunting's power
  3. Play Bird - Scaled Quail in Grasslands (for more eggs)
  4. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs, Egg on Scaled Quail, No food available in bird feeder for Indigo Bunting's power
  5. Play Birds - Mountain Bluebird and American Crow in Grasslands (for Viticulturalist and food while laying eggs)
  6. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (across habitats for round end goal, Discarded egg for Berry using American Crow's power, Egg on Scaled Quail, No food available in bird feeder for Indigo Bunting's power
Round End: Cached 2 Rats on Griffon Vulture

Round End Goal - Sets of Eggs in All Habitats: 2 points (tied for 2nd w/ 1 set)

Round 4

  1. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, Discarded egg for Nectar using American Crow's power, Egg on Scaled Quail, No food available in bird feeder for Indigo Bunting's power
  2. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, Discarded egg for Nectar using American Crow's power, Egg on Scaled Quail, Berry from bird feeder using Indigo Bunting's power
  3. Play Bird - Kea in Woodlands (for Viticulturalist, discarded 2 Berries for more bonus card options, Kept Diet Specialist)
  4. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, SkippedAmerican Crow's power, Egg on Scaled Quail, Worm from bird feeder using Indigo Bunting's power
  5. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, SkippedAmerican Crow's power, Egg on Scaled Quail, Worm from bird feeder using Indigo Bunting's power

Round End: Cached 2 Rats on Griffon Vulture

Round End Goal - Eggs in Wetlands: 3 points (tied for 2nd w/ 2 eggs)

Game End: none


Woodlands - 2 points (2nd w/ 3)
Grasslands - 2 points (2nd w/ 4)
Wetlands - 1 point (tied for 2nd w/ 3)

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