Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Wingspan Online Daily Gameplay - August 13, 2024

My Score - 107 (Lost)

  • Bird Points - 59
  • Bonus Cards - 21
  • End of Round Goals - 11
  • Eggs - 3
  • Food on Cards - 8
  • Tucked Cards - 0
  • Nectar - 5

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Eastern Bluebird - for Prairie Manager
  • Red-Headed Woodpecker - for more food
  • Say's Phoebe - for Prairie Manager
  • Belted Kingfisher - for potential Fish


  • Nectar and Worm - for Red-Headed Woodpecker

Bonus Card: Prairie Manager - Birds that can only live in Grasslands

Round 1

  1. Draw Birds - Chestnut-Collared Longspur (from tray, for Prairie Manager)
  2. Gain Food - Nectar from bird feeder (for Red-Headed Woodpecker)
  3. Play Bird - Red-Headed Woodpecker in Woodlands (for more food)
  4. Gain Food - Fish and Worm from bird feeder (for Belted Kingfisher), No Wheat in bird feeder for Red-Headed Woodpecker's power
    1. Wheat from other player's Bluethroat
  5. Play Bird - Belted Kingfisher in Wetlands (for potential Fish)
    1. Wheat from other player's Bluethroat
  6. Draw Birds - Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher (from tray, for Prairie Manager) and Parrot Crossbill (from tray, for more food)
  7. Gain Food - 2 Worms from bird feeder (for Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher and Chestnut-Collared Longspur), Wheat from bird feeder using Red-Headed Woodpecker's power
  8. Play Bird - Chestnut-Collared Longspur in Grasslands (for Prairie Manager, Kept Grassland Data Analyst - Consecutive birds in Grasslands with ascending or descending wingspans, Discarded Wetland Data Analyst - Birds that can only live in Wetlands)
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Eggs in Woodlands: 0 points (0 eggs) 

Round 2

  1. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs
  2. Gain Food - Wheat and Nectar from bird feeder (for Parrot Crossbill), Wheat from bird feeder using Red-Headed Woodpecker's power
    1. Fish from Belted Kingfisher's power
  3. Play Bird - Parrot Crossbill in Woodlands (for more food)
    1. Crested Pigeon from other player's Canvasback
  4. Gain Food - Nectar and Worm from bird feeder (for Eastern Bluebird and Say's Phoebe), Wheat from Parrot Crossbill's power Wheat from bird feeder using Red-Headed Woodpecker's power
  5. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs
    1. Fish from Belted Kingfisher's power
    2. Wheat from other player's Bluethroat
  6. Gain Food - Rat and Nectar from bird feeder (for Say's Phoebe), Wheat from Parrot Crossbill's power Wheat from bird feeder using Red-Headed Woodpecker's power (Cached Wheat)
  7. Play Birds - Eastern Bluebird and Say's Phoebe in Grasslands (for Prairie Manager and Grassland Data Analyst, 3 eggs)
    1. Fish from Belted Kingfisher's power
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Food Cost of Played Birds: 1 point (tied for 2nd w/ 16 food cost)

Round 3

  1. Draw Birds - European Turtle Dove (from tray, for another bonus card) and American Oystercatcher (from tray, for more birds)
    1. Egg from other player's Brolga
    2. Squaco Heron from other player's Canvasback
  2. Play Bird - European Turtle Dove in Woodlands (Site Selection Expert - Columns with a matching pair or trio of nests, Grey Shrikethrush from tray for Site Selection Expert and round end goal)
    1. Fish from Belted Kingfisher's power
  3. Play Bird - Grey Shrikethrsuh in Woodlands (for Site Selection Expert and to get far enough in Woodlands for 3 food)
  4. Gain Food - 2 Worms and Nectar from bird feeder (for Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher), Grey Shrikethrush's power successful (Rat cached), Wheat from Parrot Crossbill's power Wheat from bird feeder using Red-Headed Woodpecker's power (Cached Wheat)
  5. Play Bird - Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher in Grasslands (for Prairie Manager, Grassland Data Analyst, Site Selection Expert, and Worms)
    1. Fish from Belted Kingfisher's power
  6. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (discarded Fish for 4th egg), Worm from Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher's power
    1. Egg from other player's Brolga
    2. Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker  from other player's Canvasback
    3. Fish from other player's Bluethroat
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Rat and Fish in Food Cost of Your Birds: 2 points (tied for 2nd w/ 2 food cost)

Round 4

  1. Play Bird American Oystercatcher in Wetlands (used 2 Fish for 2nd worm in food cost, Clark's Grebe and Forster's Tern
    1. Fish from Belted Kingfisher's power (before turn)
  2. Play Bird - Crested Pigeon in Grasslands (used 2 Fish for Wheat, for Grassland Data Analyst and game end power)
    1. Wheat from other player's Galah
    2. Berry from other player's Bluethroat
  3. Play Bird - Clark's Grebe in Wetlands (for Site Selection Expert)
    1. Nectar from other player's Bluethroat
  4. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, Worm from Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher's power
    1. Fish from Belted Kingfisher's power 
    2. Wheat from other player's Galah
  5. Play Bird - Forster's Tern in Wetlands (for Site Selection Expert)
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Brown Powers: 4 points (2nd w/ 6 birds)

Game End: Cached 5 Wheat on Crested Pigeon


Woodlands - 5 points (1st w/ 3)
Grasslands - 0 points (3rd w/ 3)
Wetlands - 0 points (3rd w/ 1)

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