Saturday, June 8, 2024

Wingspan Online Daily Gameplay - June 8, 2024

My Score - 102 (Won)

  • Bird Points - 51
  • Bonus Cards - 23
  • End of Round Goals - 12
  • Eggs - 7
  • Food on Cards - 7
  • Tucked Cards - 0
  • Nectar - 8

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Mistletoebird - for more food
  • Scaled Quail - for more eggs


  • Nectar and Berry - for Mistletoebird
  • Worm
  • Wheat - for Scaled Quail

Bonus Card: Bird Bander - Birds that can live in multiple habitats

Round 1

  1. Draw Birds - Common Nightingale (from tray, for more food and Bird Bander) and Turtle Dove (used Nectar to draw 2nd bird, for Bird Bander and a bonus card)
  2. Play Bird - Common Nightingale in Wetlands (for Bird Bander and food while drawing birds)
  3. Draw Birds - Greater Prairie-Chicken (from tray, for another bonus card) and Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (from tray, for potential between turns eggs), Nectar from Common Nightingale's power
  4. Draw Birds - Blyth's Hornbill (from tray, for 3rd and 4th round end goals) and Black Swan (from deck), Nectar from Common Nightingale's power
  5. Play Bird - Yellow-Billed Cuckoo in Woodlands (for potential between turns eggs)
    1. Egg from Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
  6. Draw Birds - Mississippi Kite (from tray, for Bird Bander) and Pukeko (from deck), Nectar from Common Nightingale's power
    1. Egg from Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
  7. Draw Birds - Common Grackle and Spotted Towhee (both from deck), Nectar from Common Nightingale's power
  8. Play Bird - Mistletoebird in Woodlands (for more food)
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Rat and Fish in Food Cost of Your Birds: 0 points (0 food cost) 

Round 2

  1. Draw Birds - Fish Crow (from tray, for Bird Bander) and Little Penguin (from tray, high points), Nectar from Common Nightingale's power
  2. Gain Food - Worm, Fish, and Wheat from bird feeder (discarded Spotted Towhee for 3rd food, for Fish Crow and European Turtle Dove), Berry from Mistletoebird's power
  3. Play Bird - European Turtle Dove in Grasslands (for Bird Bander, Behaviorist, Egg)
    1. Egg from Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
  4. Gain Food - 2 Worms and Nectar from bird feeder (discarded Scaled Quail for 3rd food, for Greater Prairie-Chicken), Berry from Mistletoebird's power
    1. Egg from Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
    2. Rat from other player's Black-Shouldered Kite's power
  5. Gain Food - 2 Nectar and Wheat from bird feeder (discarded Pukeko for 3rd food, for Greater Prairie-Chicken and Black Swan), Berry from Mistletoebird's power
    1. Egg from Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
  6. Play Bird - Greater Prairie-Chicken in Grasslands (for Behaviorist, Kept Viticulturalist, Discarded Breeding Manager)
    1. Egg from Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
  7. Play Bird - Fish Crow in Grasslands (for Bird Bander and food while laying eggs)
    1. Egg from Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Eggs in Cup Nest: 2 points (2nd w/ 5 eggs)

Round 3

  1. Draw Birds - Brown Pelican (from tray, for Fish and round end goal) and Black-Chinned Hummingbird (from tray, for Bird Bander), Nectar from Common Nightingale's power
  2. Play Bird - Black Swan in Wetlands (for Behaviorist)
  3. Play Bird - Black-Chinned Hummingbird in Wetlands (for Bird Bander and berries while drawing birds)
  4. Draw Birds - Common Yellowthroat and Snowy Egrey (both from deck), Berry from Black-Chinned Hummingbird's power, Nectar from Common Nightingale's power
  5. Play Bird - Brown Pelican in Wetlands (for round end goal, Behaviorist, and 3 fish)
    1. Egg from Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
  6. Play Bird - Blyth's Hornbill in Woodlands (for Viticulturalist and round end goal)
Round End: none

Round End Goal - White & No Powers: 6 points (1st w/ 4 birds)

Round 4

  1. Draw Birds - Red-Winged Blackbird (from tray, for Bird Bander), Parrot Crossbill (from deck), and Blue-Winged Warbler (from deck), Berry from Black-Chinned Hummingbird's power, Nectar from Common Nightingale's power
    1. Egg from Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
    2. Rat from other player's Black-Shouldered Kite's power
  2. Play Bird - Red-Winged Blackbird in Grasslands (for Bird Bander and more eggs)
  3. Draw Birds - Eastern Kingbird (from tray, for Bird Bander, Viticulturalist, and Behaviorist), Coal Tit (from deck), and Rose-Breasted Grosbeak (from deck), Berry from Black-Chinned Hummingbird's power, Nectar from Common Nightingale's power
    1. Egg from Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
    2. Rat from other player's Black-Shouldered Kite's power
  4. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (discarded Coal Tit for 4th egg), Tucked Rose-Breasted Grosbeak to lay egg on Red-Winged Blackbird, Skipped Fish Crow's power
    1. Egg from Yellow-Billed Cuckoo's power
  5. Play Bird - Eastern Kingbird in Woodlands (for Bird Bander, Viticulturalist, and Behaviorist)
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Eggs in Hollow Nest: 4 points (2nd w/ 5 eggs)

Game End: 2 eggs from Black Swan's power


Woodlands - 5 points (1st w/ 5)
Grasslands - 3 points (tied for 1st w/ 5)
Wetlands - 0 points (3rd w/ 3)

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