Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wingspan Online Daily Gameplay - June 5, 2024

My Score - 96 (Lost)

  • Bird Points - 51
  • Bonus Cards - 7
  • End of Round Goals - 3
  • Eggs - 2
  • Food on Cards - 0
  • Tucked Cards - 28
  • Nectar - 5

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Maned Duck - for Wheat while drawing birds and for Common Goldeneyes round end power
  • Common Goldeneye - for round end power
  • Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo - for Nectar and Common Goldeneye's power


  • Nectar - for Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
  • Fish and Worm - for Maned Duck

Bonus Card: Falconer - Bird with Predator power

Round 1

  1. Play Bird - Maned Duck in Wetlands (for Common Goldeneye's power and tucks and Wheat while drawing birds)
  2. Draw Birds - Black-Billed Magpie (from tray for Grasslands and Common Goldeneye's power) and Goldcrest (from tray to tuck), Tucked Goldrest to gain Wheat using Maned Duck's power
  3. Draw Birds - Spotted Owl (from tray for another bonus card) and Bronzed Cowbird (from tray to tuck), Tucked Goldrest to gain Wheat using Maned Duck's power
  4. Draw Birds - Silvereye (from tray for Nectar) and European Goldfinch (from tray), Skipped Maned Duck's power
  5. Play Bird - Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo in Woodlands (for Common Goldeneye's power and to tuck for Nectar)
  6. Draw Birds - Eurasian Collared-Dove (from tray, for round end power) and King Rail (from tray, for another bonus card), Skipped Maned Duck's power
  7. Gain Food - Worm and Nectar from bird feeder (for Eurasian Collared-Dove), Skipped Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo's power
  8. Play Bird - Eurasian Collared-Dove in Grasslands 
Round End: Skipped Eurasian Collared-Dove's power

Round End Goal - Worms in Food Cost of Your Birds: 2 points (0 food cost) 

Round 2

  1. Draw Birds - Yellow-Headed Blackbird (from tray, for eggs while drawing birds) and Thekla's Lark (from tray to tuck), Skipped Maned Duck's power
  2. Gain Food - Worm and Rat from bird feeder (for Silvereye), Tucked Thekla's Lark for Nectar using  Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo's power
  3. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs
  4. Play Bird - Silvereye in Wetlands (for Nectar while drawing birds)
  5. Draw Birds - Southern Cassowary (from tray, for eggs) and Bobolink (from tray to tuck), Nectar from Silvereye's power, Tucked Bobolink for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
  6. Draw Birds - Northern Goshawk (from tray, for Falconer) and Rufous-Banded Honeyeater (from tray to tuck), Nectar from Silvereye's power, Tucked Rufous-Banded Honeyeater for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
  7. Play Bird - Common Goldeneye in Wetlands (for round end power)
Round End: Skipped Eurasian Collared-Dove's power, 2 eggs on Common Goldeneye

Round End Goal - Cubes on Play a Bird: 1 point (3rd w/ 2 cubes)

Round 3

  1. Play Bird - Yellow-Headed Blackbird in Wetlands (for eggs while drawing birds)
    1. Egg from other player's Princess Stephanie's Astrapia (before turn)
  2. Draw Birds - Australian Shoveler (from tray, for more birds), Northern Harrier (from tray for Falconer), and Northern Bobwhite (from tray to tuck), Tucked Northern Bobwhite to lay egg on Yellow-Headed Blackbird, Nectar from Silvereye's power, Tucked King Rail for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
  3. Play Bird - Australian Shoveler in Wetlands (for more birds)
  4. Draw Birds - Australian Zebra Finch, Grey Heron, Juniper Titmouse, and Willie Wagtail (all from deck), Red-Capped Robin from Australian Shoveler's power, Tucked Red-Capped Robin to lay egg on Yellow-Headed Blackbird, Nectar from Silvereye's power, Tucked Grey Heron and Australian Zebra Finch for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
  5. Play Bird - European Goldfinch in Grasslands (for potential between turns tucks)
    1. Tucked 1 from deck under European Goldfinch
  6. Draw Birds - Brewer's Blackbird, Blue Grosbeak, Griffon Vulture, and Golden Eagle (all from deck), Red-Winged Parrot from Australian Shoveler's power, Tucked Black-Billed Magpie to lay egg on Yellow-Headed Blackbird, Nectar from Silvereye's power, Tucked Griffon Vulture, Willie-Wagtail, and Brewer's Blackbird for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
Round End: Discarded Nectar to tuck 1 under Eurasian Collared-Dove, 2 eggs on Common Goldeneye

Round End Goal - Eggs in Cup Nest: 2 points (tied for 2nd w/ 1 egg)

Round 4

  1. Play Bird - Northern Goshawk in Woodlands (for Falconer, used Blue Grosbeak and Juniper Titmouse for food cost)
  2. Gain Food - 2 Rats and Nectar from bird feeder (discarded Northern Harrier for 3rd food, for Golden Eagle and Chestnut Collared Longspur), Tucked Red-Winged Parrot for Nectar using Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo's power
    1. Tucked 1 from deck under European Goldfinch
  3. Play Bird - Chestnut Collared Longspur in Grasslands (Kept Behaviorist, Discarded Oologist)
    1. Tucked 1 from deck under European Goldfinch
  4. Draw Birds - Northern Gannet, American Bittern, and Purple Gallinule, and Common Nighthawk (all from deck), Eleonora's Falcon from Australian Shoveler's power, Tucked Eleonora's Falcon to lay egg on Yellow-Headed Blackbird, Nectar from Silvereye's power, Tucked Northern Gannet, American Bittern, and Purple Gallinule for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
  5. Play Bird - Golden Eagle in Grasslands (for Falconer)
    1. Tucked 1 from deck under European Goldfinch
Round End: Discarded Rat and Wheat to tuck 2 under Eurasian Collared-Dove, 2 eggs on Common Goldeneye

Round End Goal - Eggs in Woodlands: 0 points (0 eggs)

Game End: none


Woodlands - 0 points (3rd w/ 1)
Grasslands - 5 points (1st w/ 6)
Wetlands - 0 points (3rd w/ 4)

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