Saturday, June 1, 2024

Wingspan Online Daily Gameplay - June 1, 2024

My Score - 92 (Lost)

  • Bird Points - 44
  • Bonus Cards - 13
  • End of Round Goals - 12
  • Eggs - 9
  • Food on Cards - 4
  • Tucked Cards - 8
  • Nectar - 2

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Abbott's Booby - for another bonus card
  • Forster's Tern - for Site Selection Expert
  • Black Tern - for Site Selection Expert
  • Red-Tailed Hawk - Woodlands bird and for Site Selection Expert


  • Nectar and Rat - for Red-Tailed Hawk

Bonus Card: Site Selection Expert - Columns with a matching pair or trio of nests

Round 1

  1. Draw Bird - Red-Shouldered Hawk (from tray, for Site Selection Expert)
  2. Play Bird - Red-Shouldered Hawk in Woodlands (for Site Selection Expert and to get far enough in Woodlands for 3 food)
  3. Gain Food - 2 Nectar from bird feeder (for Abbott's Booby), Red-Shouldered Hawk's power successful (Southern Cassowary tucked)
  4. Play Bird - Abbott's Booby in Wetlands (for Site Selection Expert, Kept Large Bird Specialist, Discarded Breeding Manager and Food Web Expert)
  5. Draw Birds - House Sparrow and Sacred Kingfisher (both from tray, for Site Selection Expert)
  6. Gain Food - Rat and Worm from bird feeder (for Red-Tailed Hawk and Sacred Kingfisher), Red-Shouldered Hawk's power unsuccessful (Red Kite)
  7. Play Bird - Red-Tailed Hawk in Grasslands (for Site Selection Expert and Large Bird Specialist)
  8. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs, Red-Tailed Hawk's power successful (Stellar's Jay tucked)
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Food Cost of Played Birds: 0 points (2nd w/ 5 food cost) 

Round 2

  1. Play Bird - Sacred Kingfisher in Woodlands (for potential between turns food)
    1. Fish from Sacred Kingfisher's power
  2. Draw Birds - Common Merganser and Red-Backed Shrike (both from tray for Site Selection Expert)
    1. Worm from Sacred Kingfisher's power
  3. Gain Food -  2 Nectar from bird feeder (for House Sparrow), Red-Shouldered Hawk's power unsuccessful (Great Horned Owl)
  4. Play Bird - House Sparrow in Grasslands (for Site Selection Expert)
  5. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs, Red-Tailed Hawk's power successful (White Wagtail tucked)
    1. Worm from Sacred Kingfisher's power
  6. Play Bird - Common Merganser in Wetlands (for Site Selection Expert, Large Bird Specialist, and round end goal)
  7. Play Bird - Forster's Tern in Wetlands (for Site Selection Expert and Large Bird Specialist)
    1. Fish from Sacred Kingfisher's power
Round End: No Wheat for House Sparrow's power

Round End Goal - Filled Columns: 5 point (1st w/ 2 columns)

Round 3

  1. Draw Birds - Chimney Swift and Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (both from tray for Site Selection Expert), American Coot (from deck) using Forster's Tern's power (discarded at end of turn), Common Merganser's power successful w/ 3 dice (Fish cached)
    1. Rat from Sacred Kingfisher's power
  2. Lay Eggs- 2 eggs, Red-Tailed Hawk's power successful (Grasshopper Sparrow tucked)
    1. Fish from Sacred Kingfisher's power
  3. Play Bird - Ruby-Throated Hummingbird in Grasslands (for Site Selection Expert and food while laying eggs)
  4. Lay Eggs- 2 eggs, Nectar from Ruby-Throated Hummingbird's power, Red-Tailed Hawk's power unsuccessful (Ferruginous Hawk)
    1. Worm from Sacred Kingfisher's power
  5. Play Bird - Red-Backed Shrike in Grasslands (for Site Selection Expert and to get far enough in Grasslands for 3 eggs)
  6. Lay Eggs- 3 eggs, Red-Backed Shrike's power successful (Worm cached), Fish from Ruby-Throated Hummingbird's power, Red-Tailed Hawk's power successful (Laughing Kookaburra tucked)
Round End: No Wheat for House Sparrow's power

Round End Goal - White & No Powers: 3 points (2nd w/ 1 bird)

Round 4

  1. Play Bird - Black Tern in Wetlands (for Site Selection Expert)
    1. Malleefowl from other player's Canvasback (before turn)
    2. Worm from Sacred Kingfisher's power (before turn)
  2. Draw Birds - Major Mitchell's Cockatoo, Black Noddy, and Snow Bunting (all from deck), Black Skimmer (from deck) using Black Tern's power (discarded Snow Bunting at end of turn), Eastern Whipbird (from tray) using Forster's Tern's power (discarded Black Noddy at end of turn), Common Merganser's power successful w/ 3 dice (Fish cached)
    1. Yellow-Headed Blackbird from other player's Canvasback
  3. Play Bird - Chimney Swift in Woodlands (for Site Selection Expert)
    1. Acorn Woodpecker from other player's Canvasback
  4. Lay Eggs- 4 eggs (discarded Yellow-Headed Blackbird for 4th egg), Red-Backed Shrike's power successful (Worm cached), Wheat from Ruby-Throated Hummingbird's power, Red-Tailed Hawk's power successful (Willie Wagtail tucked)
  5. Lay Eggs- 4 eggs (discarded Acorn Woodpecker for 4th egg), Red-Backed Shrike's power successful (Worm cached), Wheat from Ruby-Throated Hummingbird's power, Red-Tailed Hawk's power unsuccessful (Australian Ibis)
Round End: Discarded 2 Wheat to tuck 2 under House Sparrow

Round End Goal - Birds Worth 3 or fewer points: 4 points (2nd w/ 3 birds)

Game End: none


Woodlands - 0 points (0)
Grasslands - 3 points (2nd w/ 4)
Wetlands - 0 points (3rd w/ 2)

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