Monday, June 3, 2024

Wingspan Online Daily Gameplay - June 3, 2024

My Score - 105 (Lost)

  • Bird Points - 52
  • Bonus Cards - 23
  • End of Round Goals - 6
  • Eggs - 2
  • Food on Cards - 9
  • Tucked Cards - 0
  • Nectar - 13

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Black-Headed Gull - for Omnivore Expert and food while drawing birds
  • Eurasian Magpie - for Omnivore Expert and round end power


  • Nectar and Berry - for Black-Headed Gull
  • Fish - for Green Heron, which I plan to draw first turn
  • Worm - for Eurasian Magpie

Bonus Card: Omnivore Expert - Birds that eat 🏳️‍🌈

Round 1

  1. Draw Birds - Green Heron (from tray, to use to trade food stolen with Black-Headed Gull to Nectar or other needed food as needed)
  2. Play Bird - Green Heron in Wetlands (to trade food as needed)
  3. Lay Eggs - Egg
  4. Play Bird - Black-Headed Gull in Wetlands (for Omnivore Expert and potential food while drawing birds)
  5. Draw Birds - Greater Prairie-Chicken (from tray, for another bonus card) and Wild Turkey (from deck), Stole Nectar from other player using Black-Headed Gull's power, Traded Worm for Nectar using Green Heron's power
  6. Play Bird - Eurasian Magpie in Grasslands (for Omnivore Expert and round end power)
    1. Plains-Wander from other player's Canvasback
  7. Draw Birds - Purple Gallinule (from tray, for Omnivore Expert) and Savannah's Sparrow (from deck), Stole Worm from other player using Black-Headed Gull's power, Traded Worm for Berry using Green Heron's power
  8. Draw Birds - Vaux's Swift (from tray, for Woodlands and more food) and Blyth's Hornbill (from deck), Stole Berry from other player using Black-Headed Gull's power, Traded Berry for Worm using Green Heron's power
Round End: Cached Berry on Eurasian Magpie

Round End Goal - Food in Personal Supply: 0 points (3rd w/ 2 food) 

Round 2

  1. Draw Birds - Wrybill (from tray, for another bonus card) and California Condor (from deck), Stole Rat from other player using Black-Headed Gull's power, Traded Rat for Nectar using Green Heron's power
    1. Tawny Frogmouth from other player's Canvasback (before turn)
  2. Draw Birds - Audouin's Gull (from tray, for Omnivore Expert) and Lewin's Honeyeater (from deck), Stole Nectar from other player using Black-Headed Gull's power, Traded Worm for Nectar using Green Heron's power
  3. Play Bird - California Condor in Woodlands (Kept Diet Specialist, Discarded Citizen Scientist)
  4. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs
  5. Play Bird - Lewin's Honeyeater in Woodlands (for more food and round end goal)
  6. Gain Food - 2 Nectar from bird feeder (for Tawny Frogmouth), Nectar from Lewin's Honeyeater's power
  7. Play Bird - Tawny Frogmouth in Grasslands (for Diet Specialist and round end goal)
Round End: Cached Berry on Eurasian Magpie

Round End Goal - Birds Worth more than 4 points: 1 point (3rd w/ 2 birds)

Round 3

  1. Lay Eggs - 3 eggs (discarded Vaux's Swift for 3rd egg), Tawny Frogmouth's power successful (Rat cached)
    1. Red-Backed Fairywren from other player's Canvasback
  2. Gain Food - 2 Wheat and Nectar from bird feeder (discarded Red-Backed Fairywren for 3rd food, for Greater Prairie-Chicken), Nectar from Lewin's Honeyeater's power
  3. Play Bird - Savannah's Sparrow and Greater Prairie-Chicken in Grasslands (Kept Behaviorist, Discarded Fishery Manager)
  4. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (discarded Audouin's Gull for 4th egg), Tawny Frogmouth's power successful (Worm cached)
  5. Gain Food - Worm and Wheat from bird feeder (for Plains-Wanderer), Nectar from Lewin's Honeyeater's power
  6. Play Bird - Wild Turkey in Woodlands (for Diet Specialist)
Round End: Cached Berry on Eurasian Magpie

Round End Goal - Food Cost of Played Birds: 2 points (3rd w/ 17 food cost)

Round 4

  1. Play Bird - Plains-Wanderer in Grasslands (Kept Prairie Manager)
    1. Great Egret from other player's Canvasback
  2. Gain Food - Fish, Rat, and Nectar from bird feeder (discarded Blyth's Hornbill for 3rd food, for Great Egret), Nectar from Lewin's Honeyeater's power
    1. Other player's Common Kingfisher stole FIsh, Gained Fish from bird feeder
  3. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, Tawny Frogmouth's power successful (Worm cached)
  4. Gain Food - 3 Nectar from bird feeder (discarded Wrybill for 3rd food, for Purple Gallinule), Nectar from Lewin's Honeyeater's power
  5. Play Bird - Great Egret and Purple Gallinule in Wetlands (for Diet Specialist and Omnivore Expert)
Round End: Cached 3 Berries on Eurasian Magpie

Round End Goal - Eggs in Wetlands: 3 points (3rd w/ 2 eggs)

Game End: none


Woodlands - 5 points (1st w/ 4)
Grasslands - 3 points (tied for 1st w/ 6)
Wetlands - 5 points (1st w/ 7)

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