The main way to find Mii QR Codes or Scans for Miis made to look like famous people or celebrities is to do a search for the people plus Mii QR Code. Below I have compiled a list of some of the famous Mii QR Codes I have found online. The amount grows as the 3DS is out longer. Feel free to comment with a link to your own Mii QR Codes or famous ones I missed when making the list and I will add the links to this list with credit to who informed me of the link.
Alphabetical List of Mii QR Codes/Scans:
- Last Updated 4/3/11
- 4/4/11 I created a page for this list. Click here for the list.
- Adolf Hitler
- Agent Fox Mulder from X-Files
- Albert Einstein
- Alf
- Alfred Hitchcock
- Alien
- Barack Obama
- Bear
- Beatles - George, John, Paul, Ringo
- The Big Lebowski/Jeffrey Lebowski
- Bill Clinton
- Billy Mays
- Bob Ross
- Bowser
- Brian Griffen from Family Guy
- Brock
- Captain Falcon
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek
- Charlie Brown
- Charlie Sheen
- Chris Griffen from Family Guy
- Chuck Norris
- Conan
- Condalezza Rice
- Cookie Monster
- David Byrne
- Earl from My Name is Earl
- Elmo
- First Gundam Characters
- G. Gordon Liddy
- Ganandorf
- Gandhi
- Geordi La Forge from Star Trek
- George Bush
- Goomba
- Gordon Freeman from Half Life
- Harry Potter
- Hannibal
- Hermione Granger
- House MD
- Ike from South Park
- Indiana Jones
- Iron Man
- Jack Baeur (character from the show 24)
- Jack Black
- Jack Skellington
- Jackie Chan
- Jason from Friday the 13th
- Jesus
- Johnny Depp
- Joker
- Kanye West
- Kevin Smith
- King Leonidas (from 300, This is Sparta)
- Kirby
- Koopa
- Legend of Zelda Characters
- Lois Griffen from Family Guy
- Lucy from Charlie Brown
- Luigi
- Mao
- Mario
- Meg Griffen from Family Guy
- Michael Jackson
- Miss Piggy
- Modern Family Characters Mitchell and Cam
- Mr. Bean
- Naruto
- Nintendo's Top Brass - 3 Miis
- Obelix
- Old Snake from Metal Gear Solid
- Oliver Hardy
- Owen Wilson
- Pac Man
- Pavarotti
- Penguin
- Peter Griffen from The Family Guy
- Pilotwings 64 Characters
- Pink Panther
- Pokemon - Pikachu
- Popeye
- Powerpuff Girls - Bubbles, Buttercup, and Blossom
- Professor Layton Miis
- Professor Snape
- Pucca
- Quentin Tarantino
- Rabbid from Raving Rabbids games
- Reggies Nintendo President
- Richard Nixon
- Ridge Racer Mii
- Robocop
- Ron Weasley
- Saddam
- Shark
- Scream
- Sheamus WWE Wrestler
- The Simpsons Characters - Bart, Lisa, Homer
- The Simpsons Characters - Maggie, Zoidberg, and Moe
- The Simpsons - Flanders
- Snoop Dog
- Snoopy
- Spock
- Spongebob Squarepants
- Stan Laurel
- Star Wars Admiral Ackbar
- Star Wars C3PO
- Star Wars Chewbacca
- Star Wars Lando Calrissa
- Star Wars Obi-Wan
- Star Wars Storm Trooper
- Stephen Colbert
- Stephen King
- Stewie Griffen from Family Guy
- Team Fortress 2 Characters - Sniper, Soldier, Engineer, Scout, Heavy, Spy, Medic, Pyro, Demo
- Tony Stark
- The Undertaker (wrestler)
- Twin Peaks Characters
- V for Vendetta
- Voldemort
- Wario
- Woody Allen
- Worf from Star Trek
- Zolberg