Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Wingspan Online Daily Game Commentary - May 21, 2024

My Score - 88 (Lost)

  • Bird Points - 43
  • Bonus Cards - 8
  • End of Round Goals - 6
  • Eggs - 17
  • Food on Cards - 3
  • Tucked Cards - 6
  • Nectar - 5

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Painted Bunting - for another bonus card
  • Grey Butcherbird - Woodlands bird
  • Indigo Bunting - for potential food while laying eggs


  • Nectar, Worm, and Rat - for Grey Butcherbird

Bonus Card: Breeding Manager - Birds with at least 4 eggs laid on them

Round 1

  1. Draw Bird - Common Swift (from tray, for 1st and 2nd round end goals and round end power)
  2. Play Bird - Grey Butcherbird in Woodlands (to get far enough in Woodlands for 2 food)
  3. Gain Food - Worm and Rat from bird feeder (for Common Swift), Grey Butcherbird's power successful (Downy Woodpecker tucked and Rat cached)
  4. Gain Food -  2 Nectar from bird feeder (for Indigo Bunting), Grey Butcherbird's power successful (Grey Shriketrush tucked and Rat cached)
  5. Play Bird - Indigo Bunting in Grasslands (for potential food while laying eggs)
  6. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs, Worm from Indigo Bunting's power
  7. Play Bird - Common Swift in Grasslands (for round end goal and power)
  8. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs (in Hollow nest for round end goal), Worm from Indigo Bunting's power
Round End: Skipped Common Swift's power

Round End Goal - Eggs in Hollow Nest: 2 points (tied for 1st w/ 2 eggs) 

Round 2

  1. Draw Birds - King Rail (Wetlands bird, for Breeding Manager and another bonus card)
  2. Gain Food -  2 Fish from bird feeder (for King Rail), Grey Butcherbird's power unsuccessful (Lesser Frigatebird)
  3. Play Bird - King Rail in Wetlands (Kept Wetland Scientist - Birds that can only live in Wetlands, Discarded Forester)
  4. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs, Worm from Indigo Bunting's power
  5. Gain Food -  2 Nectar from bird feeder (for Painted Bunting), Grey Butcherbird's power unsuccessful (Roseate Spoonbill)
  6. Play Bird - Painted Bunting in Grasslands (for round end goal, Kept Bird Counter, Discarded Fishery Manager)
  7. Draw Birds - Black Swan (from tray, for Wetland Scientist) and Northern Bobwhite (from deck)
    1. Rat from other player's Black-Shouldered Kite
Round End: No Worm for Common Swift's power

Round End Goal - Beak Pointing Right: 1 point (tied for 2nd w/ 3 birds)

Round 3

  1. Draw Birds - Snowy Owl (from tray, for round end goal and another bonus card) and Snowy Egret (from deck)
  2. Play Bird - Snowy Owl in Grasslands (for round end goal, Citizen Scientist - Birds with tucked cards, Egg)
  3. Gain Food -  2 Wheat from bird feeder (for Northern Bobwhite), Grey Butcherbird's power unsuccessful (Manned Duck)
  4. Gain Food -  Wheat and Nectar from bird feeder (for Northern Bobwhite and Snowy Egret), Grey Butcherbird's power successful (Thekla's Lark tucked and Rat cached)
  5. Play Bird - Snowy Egret in Wetlands (for round end goal and Wetland Scientist)
  6. Play Bird - Northern Bobwhite in Grasslands (for more eggs for Breeding Manager)
Round End: No Worm for Common Swift's power

Round End Goal - Rat and Fish in Food Cost of Your Birds: 3 points (tied for 2nd w/ 5 food cost)

Round 4

  1. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, Egg on Northern Bobwhite, Worm from Indigo Bunting's power
    1. Rat from other player's Black-Shouldered Kite
  2. Gain Food -  2 Nectar from bird feeder (for Black Swan), Grey Butcherbird's power unsuccessful (Golden Eagle)
  3. Play Bird - Black Swan in Wetlands (for Wetland Scientist and game end power)
  4. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, Egg on Northern Bobwhite, Worm from Indigo Bunting's power
    1. Wheat from other player's Galah
  5. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, Egg on Northern Bobwhite, Worm from Indigo Bunting's power
Round End: Discarded 3 Worms to tuck 3 under Common Swift

Round End Goal - Birds worth 3 or fewer points: 0 points (0 birds)

Game End: 3 eggs from Black Swan's power


Woodlands - 2 points (2nd w/ 1)
Grasslands - 1 points (tied for 2nd w/ 4)
Wetlands - 2 points (2nd w/ 3)

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