Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kongregate Badge of the Day: Culture Warrior

The Kongregate Badge of the Day for Tuesday, September 27, 2011 is the Culture Warrior Badge. This is a medium rated badge for the game Phage Wars 2. To get the badge you have to complete all tests.  For getting this Badge of the Day you get 17 Gamestop PowerUp Reward Points.

Overall this game seems quite easy once you get the hang of it, but I keep getting frustrated by the mouse clicking and lag I am getting that is ruining the ability to be able to properly send the things around to where I want them without wasting precious time that allows the enemies to build up or take over.  I probably can get this badge, but not sure if it is worth much more frustration with the clicking and lag crap.

As always if you already have the badge, just go to the game and you will be awarded the extra points.

Comment if you have any if you have any other tips to help others get today's badge to help out those having trouble. Also, feel free to ask questions if you need help and I will try to help you out.

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