Monday, July 29, 2024

Wingspan Online Daily Gameplay - July 29, 2024

My Score - 99 (Lost)

Final Scores 111, 110, 99
  • Bird Points - 47
  • Bonus Cards - 24
  • End of Round Goals - 9
  • Eggs - 8
  • Food on Cards - 0
  • Tucked Cards - 8
  • Nectar - 3

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus

Starting Birds


  • Red-Cockaded Woodpecker - for another bonus card
  • Ruff - for Omnivore Expert
  • Golden Eagle - high points


  • Nectar - to draw 2nd bird on 1st turn
  • Berry - for Red-Cockaded Woodpecker
  • Worm - for Masked Lapwig (plan to draw 1st turn)

Bonus Card

Bonus Card: Omnivore Expert - Birds that eat 🏳️‍🌈

Round 1

  1. Draw Birds - Brant (from tray, for Omnivore Expert and Masked Lapwig (discarded Nectar for 2nd bird, from tray, for more food)
  2. Play Bird - Masked Lapwig in Grasslands (Fish, Worm, and Rat)
  3. Play Bird - Red-Cockaded Woodpecker (Kept Large Bird Specialist, Discarded Bird Counter)
  4. Gain Food - Nectar and Worm from bird feeder (for Brant and Ruff)
  5. Play Bird - Brant in Wetlands (for Omnivore Expert, Corsican Nuthatch, American White Pelican, and Pink-Eared Duck from tray)
  6. Lay Eggs - 2 Eggs (across habitats for round end goal)
  7. Lay Eggs - 2 Eggs (across habitats for round end goal)
  8. Draw Birds - Common Loon (from tray, for Large Bird Specialist and Omnivore Expert) and Wedge-Tailed Eagle (for Larger Bird Specialist
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Sets of Eggs in All Habitats: 4 points (1st w/ 1 set) 

Round 1 Goal

Round 2

  1. Gain Food - 2 Nectar from bird feeder (for Corsican Nuthatch)
  2. Play Bird - Corsican Nuthatch in Woodlands (Citizen Scientist, Rat from bird feeder)
  3. Gain Food - Wheat and Nectar from bird feeder (for Pink-Eared Duck and Wedge-Tailed Eagle)
  4. Play Bird - Pink-Eared Duck in Wetlands (for Omnivore Expert and more birds)
  5. Draw Birds - Welcome Swallow (from tray, for Citizen Scientist) and Green Pygmy-Goose (from deck), Yellowhammer from Pink-Eared Duck's power
  6. Play Bird - Wedge-Tailed Eagle in Woodlands (for Large Bird Specialist and round end goal)
  7. Gain Food - 2 Wheat from bird feeder (for Common Loon and Ruff), Wedge-Tailed Eagle's power unsuccessful (Barn Swallow)
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Birds Worth More than 4 points: 1 point (tied for 2nd w/ 1 bird)

Round 2 Goal

Round 3

  1. Gain Food - Rat, Nectar, and Fish from bird feeder (discarded Yellow-Hammer for 3rd food, for Golden Eagle and Common Loon), Wedge-Tailed Eagle's power unsuccessful (Eastern Phoebe)
    1. Berry from other player's Many-Colored Fruit-Dove
  2. Gain Food - Rat and Worm from bird feeder (for Golden Eagle and Ruff), Wedge-Tailed Eagle's power unsuccessful (Eastern Phoebe)
    1. Berry from other player's Many-Colored Fruit-Dove
  3. Play Bird - Golden Eagle in Grasslands (for Large Bird Specialist and Citizen Scientist)
  4. Lay Eggs - 3 eggs (discarded Berry for 3rd egg), Golden Eagle's power successful (Say's Phoebe tucked)
  5. Draw Birds - Kakapo and North Island Brown Kiwi (both from tray, for another bonus card), Eurasian Tree Sparrow from Pink-Eared Duck's power
  6. Play Bird - Ruff in Wetlands (for Omnivore and Citizen Scientist)
Round End: Tucked Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Green Pygmy-Goose, and American White Pelican to draw Anna's Hummingbird, Mute Swan, and South Island Robin using Ruff's power

Round End Goal - No Goal

Round 4

  1. Play Bird - Anna's Hummingbird in Grasslands (for Omnivore Expert and food while laying eggs)
    1. Berry from other player's Many-Colored Fruit-Dove
  2. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (discarded South Island Robin for 4th egg, in Grasslands for round end goal), Nectar from Anna's Hummingbird's power, Golden Eagle's power successful (Cerulean Warbler tucked)
  3. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (discarded Welcome Swallow for 4th egg, in Grasslands for round end goal), Nectar from Anna's Hummingbird's power, Golden Eagle's power unsuccessful (Grey Heron)
  4. Play Bird - North Island Brown Kiwi in Grasslands (for Larger Bird Specialist Discarded Citizen Scientist, Kept Bird Bander and Wetland Data Analyst, Discarded Fishery Manager and Breeding Manager)
  5. Play Bird - Kakapo in Woodlands (for Larger Bird Specialist and game end power)
  6. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (in Grasslands for round goal), Skipped Anna's Hummingbird's power, Golden Eagle's power successful (Hooded Crow tucked)
Round End: Tucked Mute Swan and Common Loon using Ruff's power

Round End Goal - Eggs in Grasslands: 4 points (2nd w/ 8 eggs)

Round 4 Goal

Game End: Kept Viticulturalist from Kakapo's power



Woodlands - 0 points (3rd w/ 3)
Grasslands - 1 points (tied for 2nd w/ 3)
Wetlands - 2 points (2nd w/ 2)
My Board at end of game

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