Sunday, September 10, 2023

Wingspan Online Game Commentary #30

  Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Bell's Vireo - for another bonus card and Ethologist
  • American Coot - for Ethologist and tucking
  • American Woodcock - high points and Ethologist

Food: Worm and Wheat

Bonus Card: Ethologist - Different Power Colors in any one habitat (potential for more points especially since did not have Berry bird to start except chance of one from tray)

Round 1

  1. Draw Birds - Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker (for worms and brown power in Woodlands for Ethologist bonus)
  2. Gain Food - Berry from bird feeder (for Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker)
  3. Play Bird - Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker in Woodlands (for worms and Ethologist bonus)
  4. Gain Food - Worm from bird feeder (for Bell's Vireo), Worm from Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
  5. Play Bird - Bell's Vireo in Grasslands (for Ethologist, Falconer bonus - Birds with a Predator Power, other option was Food Web Expert - Birds that eat only Worms, which I had one played, but Falconer seems more likely to score more points on overall)
  6. Gain Food - Berry from bird feeder (for American Coot), Worm from Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
  7. Play Bird - American Coot in Wetlands (for Ethologist and tucking)
  8. Draw Birds - Black Tern (from tray to tuck), Tucked Black Tern and drew Black Vulture (from deck) using American Coot's power
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Food Cost of Played Birds: 1 points (tied for 1st w/ 6 food cost) 

Round 2

  1. Draw Birds - Horned Lark (from deck), Skipped American Coot's power (should have known to not drawn from deck and just done something from tray...)
  2. Draw Birds - Yellow-Rumped Warbler (from tray to tuck), Tucked Yellow-Rumped Warbler and drew Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (from tray) using American Coot's power
  3. Lay Eggs - 3 eggs (discarded Worm for 3rd egg)
  4. Play Bird - Black Vulture in Woodlands (for more food and Ethologist bonus)
  5. Gain Food - Worm and Wheat from bird feeder (for Horned Lark), Worm from Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
  6. Play Bird - Ruby-Throated Hummingbird in Wetlands (for food while drawing birds and to be further in Wetlands to draw more birds)
  7. Play Bird - Horned Lark in Grasslands (for Ethologist)
    1. Skipped Horned Lark's power
    2. Egg from other player's Lazuli Bunting
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Total Birds: 2 point (tied for 1st w/ 6 birds)

Round 3

  1. Draw Birds - Common Nighthawk (from tray to tuck) and Dunnock (from tray, for Ethologist bonus), Wheat using Ruby-Throated Hummingbird's power, Tucked Common Nighthawk and drew Song Sparrow (from deck) using American Coot's power
  2. Gain Food - Worm and Wheat from bird feeder (for Dunnock), Worm from Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
  3. Play Bird - Dunnock in Grasslands (for Ethologist)
    1. Tucked Song Sparrow using Horned Lark's power
  4. Draw Birds - Cetti's Warbler (from tray to tuck) and Northern Gannet (from deck), Worm using Ruby-Throated Hummingbird's power, Tucked Cetti's Warbler and drew Eastern Phoebe (from deck) using American Coot's power
    1. Egg from other player's Lazuli Bunting
  5. Play Bird - Eastern Phoebe in Grasslands (for Worms while laying eggs)
    1. Skipped Horned Lark's power
  6. Lay eggs - 3 eggs (in Cluster nests in Grasslands for round end goals), Worm from Eastern Phoebe
Round End: 2 eggs on Dunnock

Round End Goal - Eggs in Cluster Nest: 2 points (tied for 3rd w/ 3 eggs)

Round 4

  1. Play Bird - American Woodcock in Grasslands (for Ethologist bonus and to get more food)
    1. Egg from other player's Lazuli Bunting
  2. Gain Food - 2 Fish and 1 Wheat from bird feeder (for Northern Gannet), Worm from Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
  3. Play Bird - Northern Gannet in Wetlands (for Falconer bonus)
    1. No birds for Horned Lark's power
  4. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (discarded Worm for 4th egg, in Grasslands for round end), Skipped Eastern Phoebe's power
  5. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (discarded Wheat for 4th egg, in Grasslands for round end), Skipped Eastern Phoebe's power
    1. Egg from other player's Lazuli Bunting
Round End: 2 eggs on Dunnock

Round End Goal - Eggs in Grasslands: 3 points (tied for 2nd w/ 10 eggs)

Game End - Lost

Final Score - 76
  • Bird Points - 39
  • Bonus Cards - 10
  • End of Round Goals - 8
  • Eggs - 14
  • Food on Cards - 0
  • Tucked Cards - 5

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