Thursday, November 19, 2009

iPhone Game Screenshots: Disney Fans Fun Facts Trivia

Disney Fans Fun Facts Trivia is a fun trivia game that is part of the free app. I am a big Disney fan and find the trivia fun and entertaining. It is also a good challenge. I also like that you earn pins for reaching certain goals overall and in specific categories, however, the pins seemed to be somewhat glitched in being awarded, as I have none of the 100 correct answers in a category pins even though I have gotten that many right and it even says negative number until I get it. Also, the in a row ones make no sense, as I have gotten the 30 ones in each category, but have never gotten 30 in a row correct. Pin glitches do not affect the fun of the game, though. Only slightly annoying thing is that it does require good phone service to work and load the questions, which can annoyingly somewhat randomly not work, but overall it works pretty seemlessly in most cases.

Click on the thumbnails below to see a larger version of the screenshots.

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