Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nintendo Wii Screenshots: Rock Band 2 New Battle of the Bands Challenges August 18, 2009

I was not able to get on my Wii this weekend, so when I went on it today to play Rock Band all the Battle of the Band challenges were new except the Hardcore Drumming Score Battle. Unfortunately, none of the new challenges were playable with the songs that come with the game. That really annoys me. It would be nice if they released two challenges at a time with one needing purchased songs and others just working with games that come with the game. Oh, well one of these days I might have spare money to spend on more Rock Band songs to be able to do more of the challenges. I really would like to get songs and I think it is worth paying for some of them, but I just cannot justify spending the money when I am currently a month behind on my mortgage. Oh, and the only challenge I can currently play is just making me more frustrated because it requires expert drumming and I stink at that. Below are the screenshots of the current challenges (1 vocal, 2 drum, 2 guitar/bass).

Click on the thumbnails below to see a larger version of the screenshots and be able to read what songs are in them.

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