Sunday, March 31, 2024

Wingspan Online Daily Game Commentary - March 31, 2024

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Cerulean Warbler - Woodlands bird and for another bonus card
  • Pheasant Coucal - for Prairie Manager and between turns eggs
  • Maned Duck - for Wheat while drawing birds
  • King Rail - fro another bonus card


  • Nectar and Wheat - for Cerulean Warbler

Bonus Card: Prairie Manager - Birds that can only live in Grasslands

Round 1

  1. Play Bird - Cerulean Warbler in Woodlands (Wetland Scientist - Birds that can only live in Wetlands, other option was Large Bird Specialist - Birds with a wingspan over 65cm)
  2. Gain Food - Nectar and Worm from bird feeder (for Pheasant Coucal)
  3. Play Bird - Pheasant Coucal in Grasslands (for Prairie Manager and between turns eggs)
  4. Gain Food - Wheat and Fish from bird feeder (for Maned Duck)
  5. Play Bird - Maned Duck in Wetlands (for Wetland Scientist)
    1. Egg from Pheasant Coucal's power
  6. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs (1 in Grasslands and 1 in Wetlands for round end goal)
    1. Egg from Pheasant Coucal's power
  7. Draw Birds - Common Cuckoo (from deck) and Cassin's Sparrow (from tray, for Prairie Manager), Skipped Maned Duck's power
    1. Egg from Pheasant Coucal's power
  8. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs (1 in Grasslands and 1 in Wetlands for round end goal)
    1. Egg from Pheasant Coucal's power
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Sets of Eggs in All Habitats: 2 points (tied for 1st w/ 2 sets) 

Round 2

  1. Draw Birds - Black-Crowned Night-Heron (from tray for Wetland Scientist) and Rose-Breasted Grosbeak (from tray to tuck), Tucked Rose-Breasted Grosbeak for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
  2. Gain Food - Wheat and Nectar from bird feeder (for Common Cuckoo)
  3. Play Bird - Common Cuckoo in Woodlands (for between turns eggs)
  4. Gain Food - Worm and Fish from bird feeder (for King Rail)
  5. Play Bird - King Rail in Wetlands (Citizen Scientist - Birds with Tucked Cards, other option was Backyard Birder - Birds worth 3 or fewer points)
  6. Gain Food - Worm and Fish from bird feeder (for Black-Crowned Night-Heron)
    1. Egg from Common Cuckoo's power
    2. Egg from Pheasant Coucal's power
  7. Gain Food - Rat and Worm from bird feeder (for Black-Crowned Night-Heron and Cassin's Sparrow)
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Food Cost of Played Birds: 1 point (1st w/ 11 food cost)

Round 3

  1. Play Bird - Black-Crowned Night-Heron in Wetlands (for Wetland Scientist and food while drawing birds)
  2. Draw Birds - Splendid Fairywren (from deck), Blue-Winged Warbler (from deck), and Rainbow Lorikeet (from tray to tuck, discarded egg for 3rd bird), Discarded egg for Nectar using Black-Crowned Night-Heron's power, Tucked Rainbow Lorikeet for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
  3. Play Bird - Cassin's Sparrow in Grasslands (for Prairie Manager)
  4. Draw Birds - Short-Toed Treecreeper, Pesquet's Parrot, and Black Vulture (all from deck, discarded egg for 3rd bird), Discarded egg for Nectar using Black-Crowned Night-Heron's power, Tucked Short-Toed Treecreeper and Pesquet's Parrot for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
  5. Play Bird - Black Vulture in Woodlands (for potential between turns food and round end goal)
  6. Play Bird - Blue-Winged Warbler in Grasslands (high points and for round end goal)
    1. Worm from Black Vulture's power
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Birds with No Egg: 4 points (tied for 1st w/ 9 birds)

Round 4

  1. Draw Birds - House Sparrow and Montagu's Harrier (both from tray for Prairie Manager, No eggs for Black-Crowned Night-Heron's power, Tucked Splendid Fairywren for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
    1. Egg from Common Cuckoo's power
    2. Egg from Pheasant Coucal's power
    3. Rat from Black Vulture's power
  2. Gain Food - 2 Nectar from bird feeder (for House Sparrow)
    1. Egg from Common Cuckoo's power
    2. Egg from Pheasant Coucal's power
    3. Nectar from Black Vulture's power
  3. Play Bird - House Sparrow in Grasslands (for Prairie Manager)
    1. Egg from Common Cuckoo's power
    2. Egg from Pheasant Coucal's power
  4. Play Bird - Montagu's Harrier in Grasslands (for Prairie Manager)
    1. Wheat from Black Vulture's power
  5. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, Egg from Cassin's Sparrow's power
    1. Egg from Common Cuckoo's power
    2. Egg from Pheasant Coucal's power
    3. Rat from other player's Black-Shouldered Kite
    4. Wheat from Black Vulture's power
Round End: Discarded 4 Wheat to tuck 4 under House Sparrow

Round End Goal - No Goal (wish this could be made impossible for 4th round as it is useless as you get no extra turns and no round end goal points when it is on 4th round)

Game End: none


Woodlands - 0 points (3rd w/ 2)
Grasslands - 5 points (1st w/ 6)
Wetlands - 0 points (3rd w/ 0)

Game End - Won

Final Score - 93
  • Bird Points - 47
  • Bonus Cards - 11
  • End of Round Goals - 11
  • Eggs - 9
  • Food on Cards - 0
  • Tucked Cards - 10
  • Nectar - 5

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Wingspan Online Daily Game Commentary - March 30, 2024

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Little Owl - Woodlands bird and for Rodentologist
  • Greater Prairie-Chicken - for first round end goal and another bonus card
  • Australian Ibis - for birds or tucks while laying eggs


  • Nectar - for Greater Prarie-Chicken
  • Worm and Rat - for Little Owl

Bonus Card: Rodentologist - Birds that eat Rats

Round 1

  1. Draw Birds - Laughing Kookaburra (from tray, for Rodentologist and food)
  2. Play Bird - Laughing Kookaburra in Wetlands (for food while drawing birds)
  3. Play Bird - Little Owl in Woodlands (for Rodentologist and to get far enough in Woodlands for 2 food)
  4. Gain Food - Worm and Wheat from bird feeder (for Greater Prairie-Chicken), Little Owl's power successful (rat cached)
  5. Gain Food - Worm and Nectar from bird feeder (for Greater Prairie-Chicken and Australian Ibis), Little Owl's power unsuccessful
  6. Play Bird - Greater Prairie-Chicken in Grasslands (Nest Box Builder - Birds with Hollow nests, other option was Bird Feeder - Birds that eat Wheat)
  7. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs (1 on Greater Prarie-Chicken for round end goal)
  8. Draw Birds - Yellow-Bellied Cuckoo and American Kestrel (both from deck), Fish from Laughing Kookaburra's power
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Cluster Nest Bird w/ Egg2 points (tied for 1st w/ 1 bird) 

Round 2

  1. Draw Birds - Masked Lapwing (from tray, for food) and Pink-Eared Duck (from tray, for Nest Box Builder), Rat from Laughing Kookaburra's power
  2. Draw Birds - Short Toed-Treecreeper (from deck) and Wedge-Tailed Eagle (from tray, for Rodentologist), Rat from Laughing Kookaburra's power
  3. Play Bird - Masked Lapwing in Wetlands (Nectar, Worm, Rat, and Wheat)
  4. Play Bird - American Kestrel in Grasslands (for Rodentologist and Nest Box Builder)
  5. Lay Eggs - 3 eggs (Discarded Yellow-Bellied Cuckoo for 3rd egg), American Kestrel's power unsuccessful w/ 1 die
  6. Play Bird - Wedge-Tailed Eagle in Woodlands (for Rodentologist and round end goal)
    1. Worm from other player's Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
  7. Play Bird - Pink-Eared Duck on Wetlands (for Nest Box Builder)
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Filled Columns: 2 point (tied for 1st w/ 2 columns)

Round 3

  1. Draw Birds - Cooper's Hawk (from tray, for Rodentologist) and Ferriginous Hawk (from tray, for Rodentologist), Peregrine Falcon from Pink-Eared Duck's power, Rat from Laughing Kookaburra's power
    1. Worm from other player's Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
  2. Draw Birds -Eastern Phoebe (from tray, for Nest Box Builder) and Hermit Thrush (from tray, for Nest Box Builder), Bell's Vireo from Pink-Eared Duck's power, Worm from Laughing Kookaburra's power
  3. Play Bird - Eastern Phoebe in Grasslands (for Nest Box Builder and Worms while laying eggs)
  4. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (Discarded Short-Toed Treecreeper and Australian Ibis for 3rd & 4th eggs), Worm from Eastern Phoebe's power, American Kestrel's power unsuccessful w/ 3 dice
    1. Egg from ohter player's Princess Stephanie's Astrapia
  5. Play Bird - Bell's Vireo in Grasslands (for Nest Box Builder, Falconer - Birds with a Predator power, other option was Forester - Birds that can only live in Woodlands)
  6. Play Bird - Cooper's Hawk in Woodlands (for Rodentologist and Falconer)
Round End: none

Round End Goal - No Goal

Round 4

  1. Draw Birds - White-Bellied Sea-Eagle (from tray, for Rodentologist and Falconer) and Thekla's Lark (from deck), European Roller from Pink-Eared Duck's power, Rat from Laughing Kookaburra's power
    1. Nectar from other player's Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
  2. Play Bird - White-Bellied Sea-Eagle in Woodlands (for Rodentologist and Falconer)
  3. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (discarded European Roller for 4th egg), Worm from Eastern Phoebe's power, American Kestrel's power successful w/ 1 die (Rat cached)
  4. Gain Food - 2 Worms and 2 Rats from bird feeder (discard Thekla's Lark for 4th food, for Peregrine Falcon and/or Ferruginous Hawk), White-Bellied Sea-Eagle's power successful (Rat cached), Cooper's Hawk's power unsuccessful (Black Vulture), Wedge-Tailed Eagle's power unsuccessful (Parrot Crossbill), Little Owl's power successful (Rat cached)
  5. Play Bird - Ferruginous Hawk in Grasslands (for Rodentologist and Falconer)
  6. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, Ferruginous Hawk's power unsuccessful w/ 2 dice, Worm from Eastern Phoebe's power, American Kestrel's power successful w/ 2 dice (Rat cached)
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Eggs in Wetlands: 3 points (3rd w/ 6 eggs)

Game End: none


Woodlands - 1 points (tied for 2nd w/ 1)
Grasslands - 0 points (3rd w/ 2)
Wetlands - 0 points (3rd w/ 1)

Game End - Lost

Final Score - 102
  • Bird Points - 50
  • Bonus Cards - 33
  • End of Round Goals - 7
  • Eggs - 6
  • Food on Cards - 5
  • Tucked Cards - 0
  • Nectar - 1

Friday, March 29, 2024

Wingspan Online Daily Game Commentary - March 29, 2024

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Common Cuckoo - for between turns eggs
  • Eastern Whipbird - for more food
  • Laughing Kookaburra - for Wetlands Data Analyst
  • Eurasian Hobby - for Wetlands Data Analyst


  • Nectar and Wheat - fro Eastern Whipbird

Bonus Card: Wetlands Data Analyst - Consecutive birds in Wetlands with ascending or descending wingspans

Round 1

  1. Play Bird - Eastern Whipbird in Woodlands (for more food)
  2. Gain Food - Worm and Rat from bird feeder (for Common Cuckoo and Laughing Kookaburra), Wheat from Eastern Whipbird
  3. Play Bird - Laughing Kookaburra in Wetlands (for Wetland Data Analyst and food while drawing birds)
  4. Draw Birds - Eastern Rosella (from tray, for more food) and Australian Magpie (from tray, for round end goal and game end power), Worm from Laughing Kookaburra's power
  5. Draw Birds - Australasian Shoveler (from tray, for Wetland Data Analyst) and Tawny Frogmouth (from tray, for Wetland Data Analyst), Worm from Laughing Kookaburra's power
  6. Gain Food - Nectar and Worm from bird feeder (for Australian Magpie), Wheat from Eastern Whipbird
  7. Play Bird - Australian Magpie in Grasslands (used Worm and Wheat for 2nd rat, for round end goal and game end power)
  8. Draw Birds - Masked Lapwing (from tray, for food) and Northern Shoveler (from deck), Rat from Laughing Kookaburra's power
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Hollow Nest Bird w/ Egg: 0 points (0 birds) 

Round 2

  1. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs 
  2. Play Bird - Common Cuckoo in Woodlands (for between turns eggs)
  3. Play Bird - Masked Lapwing in Grasslands (Nectar, Berry, Fish, and Wheat)
    1. Egg from Common Cuckoo's power
  4. Gain Food - 2 Nectar from bird feeder (for Eastern Rosella), Wheat from Eastern Whipbird
  5. Play Bird - Eastern Rosella in Grassland (for food while laying eggs)
    1. Egg from Common Cuckoo's power
  6. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (used Berry and Fish for 3rd and 4th eggs), Nectar and Wheat from Eastern Rosella's power
  7. Play Bird - Australian Shoveler in Wetlands (for Wetland Data Analyst)
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Birds in Wetlands: 1 point (tied for 2nd w/ 2 birds)

Round 3

  1. Draw Birds - Corsican Nuthath (from tray, for another bonus card) and Anhinga (from deck), Northern Bobwhite from Australian Shoveler's power, Worm from Laughing Kookaburra's power
  2. Play Bird - Corsican Nuthatch in Woodlands (Prairie Manager - Birds that can only live in Grasslands, Nectar from bird feeder)
    1. Egg from Common Cuckoo's power
    2. Wheat from other player's Common Nightingale
  3. Gain Food - 2 Nectar from bird feeder (for Northern Bobwhite), Wheat from Eastern Whipbird
  4. Play Bird - Northern Bobwhite in Grasslands (for round end goal, eggs, and Prairie Manager
    1. Egg from Common Cuckoo's power
    2. Nectar from other player's Common Nightingale
  5. Lay Eggs - 3 eggs, Egg on Northern Bobwhite, Nectar and Wheat from Eastern Rosella's power
  6. Play Bird - Northern Shoveler in Wetlands (for round end goal and Wetland Data Analyst
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Birds Worth more than 4 points: 2 points (tied for 2nd w/ 3 birds)

Round 4

  1. Play Bird - Tawny Frogmouth in Wetlands (for Wetland Data Scientist)
    1. Berry from other player's Black-Chinned Hummingbird (before turn)
    2. Egg from Common Cuckoo's power
    3. Nectar from other player's Common Nightingale
  2. Play Bird - Eurasian Hobby in Grasslands (used Berry and Wheat for food cost)
    1. Berry from other player's Black-Chinned Hummingbird 
    2. Egg from Common Cuckoo's power
  3. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, Egg on Northern Bobwhite, Nectar and Wheat from Eastern Rosella's power
    1. Egg from Common Cuckoo's power
    2. Berry from other player's Common Nightingale
    3. Berry from other player's Black-Chinned Hummingbird 
  4. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, Egg on Northern Bobwhite, Nectar and Wheat from Eastern Rosella's power
    1. Egg from Common Cuckoo's power
    2. Rat from other player's Common Nightingale
    3. Berry from other player's Black-Chinned Hummingbird 
  5. Play Bird - Anhinga in Wetlands
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Cup Nest Bird w/ Egg: 3 points (3rd w/ 1 bird)

Game End: Discarded 6 eggs to cache 12 Wheat on Australian Magpie


Woodlands - 0 points (3rd w/ 1)
Grasslands - 3 points (tied for 1st w/ 6)
Wetlands - 5 points (1st w/ 6)

Game End - Lost

Final Score - 100
  • Bird Points - 54
  • Bonus Cards - 11
  • End of Round Goals - 6
  • Eggs - 9
  • Food on Cards - 12
  • Tucked Cards - 0
  • Nectar - 8

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Pikmin Bloom: Flower Card 2024 Collection Complete

I kind of hate the Flower Card collections in Pikmin Bloom. Probably mainly because the first collection (now called 2023, but it was 2022 when the first Flower Card event occurred) I did not manage to complete the first time around or from the later opportunities. But also, there are just so many variations to collect. However, yesterday I managed to finish the 2024 collection without spending any coins (or even having any mushroom tickets to use, which has helped me get further in events in the past, but I have been out of them since January).

It came down to needing a Purple one to finish my collection.

My InboxDollars Game Offer Experience: Candy Crush Saga

I downloaded Candy Crush Saga on Android as an offer on InboxDollars (referral link) to play and earn points to redeem for gift cards or Paypal (mostly I do this). The offer could also have been done on iPhone or iPad, but I prefer to do these games on a cheap Android I got just for doing game offers so I can play them and still be able to use my iPhone as usual.

Overall I enjoyed playing this game and could have easily finished in fewer days if I had less going on during the time I was doing this offer.

Offer Goals (Must complete within 28 days of downloading)

  • Reach Level 26 to earn $0.25 (completed on Day 1)
  • Reach Level 101 to earn $3 (also got a $3 InboxDollars Bonus, completed on Day 2)
  • Reach Level 301 to earn $10 (also got a $2 InboxDollars Bonus from Scratch & Win, completed on Day 7)
  • Reach Level 651 to earn $20  (completed on Day 18)
  • Reach Level 991 to earn $60  (also got a $2 InboxDollars Bonus from Scratch & Win, completed on Day 24)

Daily Level Progress

  1. Level 46
  2. Level 106
  3. Level 179
  4. Level 196
  5. Level 229 (Level 226 was the first level that I really got stuck at and lost all my saved up gold and boosters)
  6. Level 254
  7. Level 309
  8. Level 349
  9. Level 428
  10. Level 466
  11. Level 502
  12. Level 558
  13. Level 581
  14. Level 581
  15. Level 581
  16. Level 581
  17. Level 619
  18. Level 658
  19. Level 685
  20. Level 742
  21. Level 794
  22. Level 871
  23. Level 955
  24. Level 991

General Tips

Spin Booster Wheel daily for some boosters. I feel like I most often got 30 mins of unlimited Rainbow Sprinkles booster, so I tried to spin it when I knew I had time to play the whole unlimited period.

Winning the Episode Races was key for getting gold to use for extra turns and boosters to win levels. I found I mostly won except when I ended up not having time to play for a few days in a row.

Using all boosters I had available on Hard, Super Hard, and Legendary levels. Early on I tried not to use boosters unless I was having trouble with a level, but after about Level 500 I would use them if I had them for any Hard, Super Hard, or Legendary level. Sometimes it helped keep a streak going and keep the win streak benefits. However, I also found sometimes the boosters did not help because there were such limited places for them to be and they did not do much versus playing without any boosters.

Using Gold for extra moves is what I found most useful, but I learned to not waste gold until I failed a few times unless I really knew I could finish with just 5 more moves. Each time you fail the number of moves spending 10 gold increases. To make my gold last longer, I would use it when I could get 25 or more moves from it. The Beat the Buffet type events were great for getting past hard levels because with unlimited lives I could fail a level several times and get to the point of being able to use 10 Gold and get 25 or more moves.

Wingspan Online Daily Game Commentary - March 28, 2024

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • White Stork - for Mechanical Engineer and birds while laying eggs
  • Lesser Frigatebird - high points
  • Greater Prairie-Chicken - for Mechanical Engineer and another bonus card
  • Cooper's Hawk - for Mechanical Engineer and low food cost Woodlands bird


  • Nectar - for Cooper's Hawk
  • Berry - for Red-Cockaded Woodpecker (plan to draw first turn)

Bonus Card: Mechanical Engineer - Sets of the 4 nest types

Round 1

  1. Draw Birds - Red-Cockaded Woodpecker (form tray, for Mechanical Engineer and another bonus card)
  2. Play Bird - Cooper's Hawk in Woodlands (for Mechanical Engineer and to get far enough in Woodlands for 2 food)
  3. Gain Food - 2 Nectar from bird feeder (for White Stork), Cooper's Hawk's power unsuccessful (Broad-Winged Hawk)
  4. Gain Food - Nectar and Worm from bird feeder (for Red-Cockaded Woodpecker), Cooper's Hawk's power successful (Wrybill tucked)
  5. Play Bird - White Stork in Grasslands (for Mechanical Engineer and birds while laying egsg
  6. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs, Northern Bobwhite from White Stork's power
  7. Draw Birds - Black-Tailed Godwit (for another bonus card)
  8. Gain Food - Wheat and Rat from bird feeder (for Black-Tailed Godwit), Cooper's Hawk's power unsuccessful (Red-Breasted Merganser)
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Food in Personal Supply: 4 points (1st w/ 4 food) 

Game End - Other Player Took Too Long

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Disney Emoji Blitz: Pixie Hollow Photo Hunt Event - My Box Prizes

Map 3 Final Prize - Diamond Box

From the Map 3 box, I got Iridessa, which is now Level 4.

Map 4 Final Prize - Diamond Box

From the diamond box at the end of Map 4, I got Silvermist.

Rainbow Falls Final Prize - Diamond Box

I got another Iridessa from the box at the end of Rainbow Falls.

Disney Emoji Blitz: My March 2024 Stardust Challenge 2nd Prize Results


For my second wish in the Stardust Challenge that runs from March 15 to April 14, I wished for Golden Story Box, King Triton, and Stitch Box.

I ended up with Rainbow Stitch from the Stitch Box, which leveled him up to Level 3.

Wingspan Online Daily Game Commentary - March 27, 2024

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Spangled Drongo - for Nectar
  • Forster's Tern - for first and fourth round end goals


  • Nectar, Berry, and Worm - for Spangled Drongo
  • Fish - for Forster's Tern

Bonus Card: Diet Specialist - Birds with a food cost of 3 food

Round 1

  1. Play Bird - Spangled Drongo in Woodlands (for potential between turns Nectar and Diet Specialist)
  2. Play Bird - Forster's Tern in Wetlands (for round end goal and to get far enough in Wetlands to draw 2 birds)
    1. Nectar from Spangled Drongo's power
  3. Draw Birds - Ruff and European Honey Buzzard (both from deck), Skipped Forster's Tern's power 
  4. Gain Food - Worm and Fish from bird feeder (for Ruff)
    1. Berry from other player's Black-Chinned Hummingbird
    2. Nectar from Spangled Drongo's power
  5. Play Bird - Ruff in Grasslands (to get far enough in Grasslands for 2 eggs)
  6. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs
    1. Berry from other player's Black-Chinned Hummingbird
  7. Play Bird - European Honey Buzzard in Woodlands (for round end goal and power)
    1. Berry from other player's Black-Chinned Hummingbird
  8. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs (in builder/star nests for round end goal)

Round End: 3 Worms from European Honey Buzzard's power, No birds for Ruff's power

Round End Goal - Builder Nest Bird w/ Egg: 4 points (1st w/ 2 birds) 

Round 2

  1. Draw Birds - Tawny Frogmouth (from tray, for Diet Specialist) and Masked Lapwing (from tray, for round end goal and food), Skipped Forster's Tern's power 
  2. Draw Birds - Chestnut-Collared Longspur (from tray, for Diet Specialist) and Anna's Hummingbird (from deck), Skipped Forster's Tern's power
    1. Nectar from Spangled Drongo's power
  3. Play Bird - Masked Lapwing in Wetlands (Gained Nectar, Berry, Rat, and Wheat)
    1. Berry from other player's Black-Chinned Hummingbird
  4. Draw Birds - Black-Tailed Godwit (from tray, for Diet Specialist) and Cooper's Hawk (from deck), Skipped Forster's Tern's power
    1. Nectar from Spangled Drongo's power
  5. Play Bird - Black-Tailed Godwit in Wetlands (for Diet Specialist, Omnivore Expert - Birds that eat 🏳️‍🌈, Blue-Winged Warbler)
    1. Egg from other player's Noisy Miner
    2. Nectar from Spangled Drongo's power
  6. Play Bird - Tawny Frogmouth in Grasslands (for Diet Specialist)
  7. Play Bird - Anna's Hummingbird in Grasslands (for Omnivore Expert and food while laying eggs)
    1. Berry from other player's Black-Chinned Hummingbird
Round End: Worm from European Honey Buzzard's power,  Tucked Cooper's Hawk to draw Orange-Footed Scrubfowl (from tray) using Ruff's power

Round End Goal - Birds Worth less than or equal to 3 points: 1 point (tied for 2nd w/ 3 birds)

Round 3

  1. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (discarded 2 Berries for 3rd and 4th eggs), Nectar from Anna's Hummingbird's power, Tawny Frogmouth's power successful (Worm cached)
    1. Egg from other player's Noisy Miner (before turn)
    2. Nectar from Spangled Drongo's power (before turn)
    3. Nectar from Spangled Drongo's power
  2. Play Bird - Chestnut-Collared Longspur in Grasslands (for Diet Specialist, Enclosure Builder - Birds with Cluster Nests, other option was Mechanical Engineer - Sets of 4 Nest Types)
    1. Berry from other player's Black-Chinned Hummingbird
  3. Play Bird - Orange-Footed Scrubfowl in Woodlands (for Enclosure Builder and game end power)
    1. Berry from other player's Black-Chinned Hummingbird
  4. Play Bird - Blue-Winged Warbler in Woodlands (used 2 Berries for 2nd Worm in food cost, for round end goal)
    1. Berry from other player's Black-Chinned Hummingbird
  5. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (discarded Berry 4th egg), Nectar from Anna's Hummingbird's power, Tawny Frogmouth's power successful (Worm cached)
  6. Draw Birds - Purple Martin, Mistletoebird, and Red-Capped Robin (discarded Nectar for 3rd bird, all from tray), Drew Malleefowl (from deck) using  Forster's Tern's power (discarded Purple Martin)
Round End: Worm from European Honey Buzzard's power, Tucked Mistletoebird and Red-Capped Robin to draw Bobolink and Kelp Gull (from deck) using Ruff's power

Round End Goal - Beak Pointing Right: 2 points (3rd w/ 5 birds)

Round 4

  1. Play Bird - Kelp Gull in Wetlands (for Omnivore Expert and round end goal and Bobolink's, Malleefowl's, and Orange-Footed Scubfowl's powers)
    1. Nectar from Spangled Drongo's power (before turn)
    2. Berry from other player's Black-Chinned Hummingbird
  2. Play Bird - Bobolink in Grasslands (8 eggs, for Malleefowl's and Orange-Footed Scubfowl's powers)
    1. Egg from other player's Noisy Miner
    2. Nectar from Spangled Drongo's power
  3. Play Bird - Malleefowl in Woodlands (for Omnivore Expert and game end power)
  4. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs (discarded Berry 4th egg), Nectar from Anna's Hummingbird's power, Tawny Frogmouth's power successful (Worm cached)
  5. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, Skipped Anna's Hummingbird's power, Tawny Frogmouth's power successful (Worm cached)
  6. Lay Eggs - 4 eggs, Skipped Anna's Hummingbird's power, Tawny Frogmouth's power successful (Worm cached)
Round End: No Worm's from European Honey Buzzard's power, No birds for Ruff's power

Round End Goal - Rat and Fish in Food Cost of your Birds: 4 points (2nd w/ 3 food cost)

Game End: 9 Eggs from Orange-Footed Scrubfowl's power, 7 eggs from Malleefowl's power


Woodlands - 2 points (2nd w/ 2)
Grasslands - 5 points (1st w/ 7)
Wetlands - 2 points (tied for 1st w/ 4)

Game End - Won

Final Score - 135
  • Bird Points - 53
  • Bonus Cards - 25
  • End of Round Goals - 11
  • Eggs - 31
  • Food on Cards - 4
  • Tucked Cards - 3
  • Nectar - 10

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Wingspan Online Daily Game Commentary - March 26, 2024

Starting Birds, Food, and Bonus


  • Maned Duck - for Wetland Scientist and Wheat
  • Common Nightingale - for food while laying eggs
  • Kereru - Woodlands bird for more food
  • Clark's Grebe - for Wetland Scientist


  • Nectar and Berry - for Kereru

Bonus Card: Wetland Scientist - Birds that can only live in Wetlands

Round 1

  1. Play Bird - Kereru in Woodlands (for more food)
  2. Gain Food - 2 Nectar from bird feeder (for Maned Duck), Kereru's power unsuccessful
  3. Play Bird - Maned Duck in Wetlands (for Wetland Scientist)
  4. Draw Birds - Ring-Billed Gull (from tray, for Wetland Scientist) and Budgerigar (from tray to tuck), Tucked Budgerigar for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
  5. Draw Birds - Brown Pelican (from tray, for Wetland Scientist) and Rufous-Banded Honeyeater (from tray to tuck), Tucked Rufous-Banded Honeyeater for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
  6. Play Bird - Common Nightingale in Grasslands (for food while laying eggs)
  7. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs, Nectar from Common Nightingale's power
  8. Play Bird - Ring-Billed Gull in Wetlands (for Wetland Scientist)
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Filled Columns: 1 points (tied for 1st w/ 1 column) 

Round 2

  1. Draw Birds - Mute Swan (from tray, for Wetland Scientist) and Ruddy Duck (from tray to tuck), Tucked Ruddy Duck and drew Forster's Tern (from tray to tuck) using Ring-Billed Gull's power, Tucked Forster's Tern for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
  2. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs, Nectar from Common Nightingale's power
  3. Gain Food - Worm and Nectar from bird feeder (for Mute Swan), Nectar from Kereru's power
  4. Play Bird - Mute Swan in Wetlands (for Wetlands Scientist and tucks)
    1. Rat from other player's Black-Shouldered Kite
  5. Play Bird - Brown Pelican in Wetlands (for Wetland Scientist, gained 3 Fish)
  6. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs, Berry from Common Nightingale's power
  7. Draw Birds - Black Woodpecker, Lincoln's Sparrow, and Bushtit (all from deck), Tucked Lincoln's Sparrow and drew Hermit Thrush using Mute Swan's power, Tucked Black Woodpecker and drew Pileated Woodpecker (from deck) using Ring-Billed Gull's power, Tucked Pileated Woodpecker for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
Round End: none

Round End Goal - Eggs in Woodlands1 point (3rd w/ 2 eggs)

Round 3

  1. Play Bird - Clark's Grebe in Wetlands (for Wetland Scientist)
  2. Draw Birds - European Turtle Dove (from tray),  Snowy Egret (from deck), Baltimore Oriole (from deck, and Blue Grosbeak (from deck) , Drew Kelp Gull (from deck) using Clark's Grebe's power (discarded Hermit Thrust), Tucked Kelp Gull and drew Red-Winged Blackbird (from deck) using Mute Swan's power, Tucked Snowy Egret and drew White-Bellied Sea-Eagle (from deck) using Ring-Billed Gull's power, Tucked Blue Grosbeak, Bushtit, and Red-Winged Blackbird for Wheat using Maned Duck's power
  3. Lay Eggs - 2 eggs, Nectar from Common Nightingale's power

Game End - Other Player Took Too Long