Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nintendo Wii Screenshots: Nickelodeon Fit

Nickelodeon Fit has some fun fitness games geared towards preschoolers with the use of the Nick Jr characters from shows like The Backyardigans, Dora the Explore, and Go, Diego, Go. It is a surprisingly good game and I found even myself really enjoying some of the stuff more than I expected, especially the Giant Bowling with the Backyardigans. However, some of the responsiveness is not that great and I imagine could be frustrating for young kids. For the most part this is not a real issue, but rather a slight learning curve to figure out how to play at the beginning.

The big problem with this game is the constant resyncing you have to do with the balance board. It is totally frustrating to have to do the get off the balance board while it syncs and step on to calibrate thing before doing every single thing. Sure Wii Fit sort of does that, but it is a passive thing of you just standing on the board not the annoying process of be off wait hit a button get on wait and finally be able to play one activity before having to do it again before the next activity.

Click on the thumbnails below to see a larger version of the screenshots.

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