Saturday, June 5, 2010

Nintendo DS Screenshots: LEGO Battles

I finally can afford to have Gamefly again and my first rental was LEGO Battles for Nintendo DS. I enjoyed the game in that it was a lot like playing some strategy games I have played on the computer, such as Majesty and Rise of Legends. However, it is much less complex and at the same time not quite as enjoyable because managing these types of games on a little touch screen just does not work out all that great.

It is not as good as playing a similar style game on a computer, but since I have a Mac my options for that is pretty much nil that appeal to me. This is a decent alternative, but not quite good enough to keep me playing beyond a few missions because there was just too much wait time and not enough building up and actually doing stuff in the beginning levels.

Click on the thumbnails below to see larger versions of the screenshots.

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