Thursday, April 10, 2008

Game Boy Color Screenshots: Arthur's Absolutely Fun Day

I know this is a really old game, but I just recently was playing it to do a review and decided I might as well do a few screenshots. Oh, and no I do not like how the screenshots end up when I use the SP, so maybe next time I will steal my bro's Game Boy Advance instead (or I could go into the disaster zone of my old room and get my Game Boy Color, which believe it or not is in the only box I know exactly where it is in my closet). As is, though, I chose to steal his SP (was originally mine by the way, as for the GBA his is arguably mine as well because he used to have both of our GBAs and now there is only one and not even a battery cover left). Anyways this game is also his, but being almost 14 he does not play it much anymore, although he also probably will not willingly part with it. As a young kid, though, he loved the game and was one of the first ones he had along with Elmo in Grouchland and Dragontales. It just brings back memories of the fun easy to play kid's games that were starting to pop up related to television shows. They really have not gotten any further these days in making good games for young kids, as there really are not many more newer good ones than there are old good ones. The thing about Arthur, though, is that it is still a very popular kid's show today and this remains the only handheld game based on the show. Click on the thumbnails below to see a larger version of the screenshots.

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