Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nintendo Wii Screenshots: LEGO Harry Potter

Earlier this month I really enjoyed playing through LEGO Harry Potter on the Nintendo DS. I thought I would also enjoy the Wii version. I knew it was different, as I had heard they changed stuff for the DS. Thus I figured it would be a fun new experience. Well, it was certainly new and not at all like the DS version at least as far as I got. However, it was not fun.

The DS version has a lot of in game instruction without feeling overly tutorial. Well, the Wii version has very little help as you play. I do not mind that too much, but the game gets confusing and I had no idea where or what I was supposed to be doing half the time. The troll level (I assume it is a level, but the structure is so free form that I never seemed to even finish one level despite it seeming a few levels in) is what killed my interest in the game and that was not even two hours into playing. I should mention of those 2 hours I played the game over 1 hour was just on the small part of the troll level.

The first issue I ran into with the troll level was that near the fountain I was Harry and fell off the ledge and got entirely stuck. Harry could not get out. I could switch to Ron, but I was totally stuck in that part of the game because Harry could not move out of the spot. I had to restart my Wii, which put me way back in the game because the save point was not near this part of the game. Then I get through that area and I get stuck by the bathroom door. It would not let me in, I think because I was not a girl character and I could not figure out what the heck to do. I probably could have looked it up online, but I was already so frustrated with this version and decided to mail it back and get my next Gamefly rental instead.

Bottom line I loved the DS version and even though I beat it I would consider buying it to play more. The Wii version I do not care for at all and probably would not even play it again if I got it for free.

Click the thumbnails below to see a larger versions of the screenshots.

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