Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Nintendo 3DS Screenshots: Pokemon Rumble Blast

Pokemon Rumble Blast is a nice change of pace from the regular Pokemon RPG games.  In this game you actually are the Pokemon and you battle in real time instead of turn based battles.  It is more exciting to go and battle the other Pokemon as you clear areas and then in the Battle Royale arenas.  However, it is not as challenging and it can get boring fast.

I enjoyed the game for about the first 15 minutes and then I got tired of it.  Basically all you are doing is pressing to attack and there is not really much strategy needed.  I like the aspect of strategy involved in regular Pokemon, such as attacking with the type of attacks that are the enemy Pokemon's weakness.  This aspect of Pokemon is pretty much non-existent and it really is just brute strength.  Also, you collect better Pokemon as you advance instead of leveling up.

Overall Pokemon Rumble Blast is not too bad to play through, but it seems excessively repetitive.  The 3D graphics are pretty cool, though.  It would probably be more fun playing and battling with friends.  Still fun enough that it was a very worthwhile rental, but not necessarily worth purchasing unless the price is low or you plan to play with friends.

Click the screenshots below to see a larger version of the screenshots.

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