Thursday, January 3, 2008

Wii Votes Channel

I finally got my Wii hooked up to Internet at my apartment and rediscovered the fun of the Wii Votes Channel. I am going to try to post the new polls here and the results as much as possible.

So to start here are the current United States national questions and the Worldwide poll. Please comment and share your responses to the questions.

Do you check the nutrition label on food?
Occasionally or Frequently
*I chose frequently, but predicted most will say occasionally.

How much do you sleep?
Less than 8 hours or More than 8 hours
*I chose more than 8 hours and predicted that will be the most popular answer.

Can you say the alphabet backwards?
Yes or No
*I chose No and predicted the same, although I wonder people will say yes because they sat there and struggled and finally figured it out once.

This is the worldwide poll.
Do you want to live in a foreign country?
Yes or No
*I said yes, but really I want to live on the foreign continent of Antarctica and that really is not a foreign country. Oh well, I predicted the majority will also say yes.

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